The BGDR Story

Welcome to, a heartfelt tribute to the enduring wisdom of our late father. Our story is one of love, inspiration, and the pursuit of doing good. Founded by two brothers, our store is rooted in the last words our father shared before his battle with cancer ended: "Be Good, Do Right."
These profound words became the cornerstone of our mission. Every wristband we offer bears this empowering phrase, lovingly crafted in our father's own handwriting. It's a poignant reminder to strive for kindness, integrity, and compassion in all aspects of life.
In honoring our father's memory, we're committed to making a difference beyond just wristbands. A percentage of each sale is dedicated to cancer-related charities. This isn't just a business for us; it's a way to spread positivity, support vital causes, and encourage everyone to be their best selves.
Join us on this meaningful journey. Embrace the message, wear it proudly, and let's collectively strive to make the world a better place—one wristband and one act of kindness at a time. Thank you for being part of our story and for helping us carry forward our father's legacy of goodness and doing what's right.

"Be Good, Do Right"